May 19, 2010

Deluka - "Cascade"

Yeah, it's a little disco-ey, but the melody's cool.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    I am contacting you on behalf of my company, Audible Treats. Audible Treats does marketing & publicity for Deluka. Thanks for recently posting about them on your site. I'd like to know what person, email address, phone number, and mailing address, I may send information (including press releases, videos, and mp3s) to on behalf of artists that I think that you might be interested in featuring on your site.

    If you are interested in being contacted by us, you can check out our current roster on our website ( If anything piques your interest, please let me know and I can send a CD and any other information you would like out to you. Send me an email at with your info!

    Olivia Zhou
    Marketing Assistant
